Monday, December 1, 2008

Keeping An Eye On The World...

Here I am, the widely infamous and hidden hero.  I sit here, day after day, a savior to the people of New York City. Through my key-shaped golden mirror I am able to observe the distress and discontent that burdens these many men and women.  But as of late, the mirror only displays a single young man, Joseph Kavalier, standing slouched and sleepy day in and day out. The young, pale man walks the streets as a lost soul, undoubtedly hollow and emotionless.  He wanders aimlessly, dead to the world, with unmeasurable burdens on his shoulders inevitably destroying him. I am determined to find out what is troubling this young man, to help him escape from his worries, to give him the freedom to live the life he has always dreamed. I will lead him to my hide out, to the place where the weight will be lifted off of his shoulders and he will become a new man.  I have decided that I will leave him a key, the symbol of my heroism, to lead him to my dwelling....

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