Wednesday, December 3, 2008

A Watchful Eye

As I watch the three young souls wander aimlessly around the city, desperation oozing from their pores, I feel a pang of hopefulness in my heart. I see Joe, empty and alone in this city, with his heart still with his family in Czechoslovakia. Sammy, lost and confused, searching for an identity, a purpose, a place in the world. And Rosa, the dedicated and beautifully talented artist who lost her love for the one thing that gave her life meaning.  I am anxious to watch their lives evolve, to watch them grow together through this epic adventure. They all have the potential to be such wonderful and successful people.  Oh, if only they knew what lies before them! A new surge of happiness, new beginnings! They have been brought together for a reason, they are just what each other needs. Will they realize? They must, they must.

But, oh no! They must be sure to be cautious of the evil lurking in dark alleyways and behind buildings. Ebling has something up his sleeve, I can see it in his eyes.  These three must keep their wits about them. Be careful, my friends! Come to me safe and happy!

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