Thursday, December 11, 2008


Before we started this project, we didn't really think that we were going to learn anything and it was just going to be another typical assignment.  Also, it seemed like it would be difficult to plan out a story to write and continuously think of new things to add.  However, as time went on, we found that the project was pretty simple due to the fact that there were five people in our group with endless ideas. If one of us didn’t have an idea of what to write about next, there was always someone else who did. For example, if someone ended his or her last blog entry not knowing what to write about next, it was almost inevitable that they would have an idea after reading what other group members contributed to the story afterwards. 

Although this was helpful at times, it also had the capability of being very frustrating.  The fact that a single group member had no control over the story as a whole meant that how the story was going to play out wasn’t always known. Sometimes, a group member would have a plan in their head of exactly what was going to happen, but then the next group member’s “move” would include something completely different. From these experiences we learned that you just have to go with the flow and "play" off of our other classmates' "moves". In a sense, the whole project can be compared to playing chess. Even though you may have a "move" in your head, the next person could mess it up when they take their turn. But regardless of what happens, it is essential to be able to think up something new.  In the end, when we finished the blog, it was interesting to read the narrative from start to finish and see how everyone’s ideas came together to form one seamless story.

Through this project we also learned more about the art of creative writing and how to be more resourceful and inventive in our writing. Most of the members of our group had little experience in creative writing and tended to only write research papers or other humdrum school assignments.  However, through this project we were able to break away from these strict formats and instead spread our wings in a new area. 

And so it ends..

As I reflect over the events day, I am thankful to be apart of the lives of these young people, along with the rest of the people in the city.  Joe, Sammy, and Rosa deserve happiness in every form of the word, and I am glad that they finally found what they have been looking for.
As I flip through the paper, reading through the headlining article about the end of the war, another article catches my eye:


hah, Ebling. Maybe now you will learn.


Just then, Joe stepped forward. "I need your help, I need my one wish to come true so that I can live a normal, happy life like everyone else." The Escapist looked quizzically at Joe, "What has been bothering your young man?"
Joe took a deep breath, "my family. I had to leave them to escape the Nazi's. I was the only one with the opportunity to leave, so I took it. Since then, I have sworn I would save them from that horrible place, but nothing has gone right. I'm making money, but not enough to get them back. Escapist, please! I must save them!" With that, Joe stepped back, in shock at his burst of emotion. What would The Escapist do? How was Joe's family going to be returned to him?
The Escapist nodded, "There is much sadness in your story, for I am The Escapist, prided in destroying Nazis, but I've been fighting them long and hard. They are a mighty force that I have been trying to reckon with. I did promise you one wish, and here you are with my golden key, so I must do my best to tear down the Nazi power and save your family."
With that, The Escapist disappeared, leaving Joe, Rosa, and Sammy, standing alone in front of the key-shaped mirror.
"Now what do we do?" asked Rosa. Sammy replied, "I guess we go back and just hope that The Escapist can win the battle against the Nazis."

The next week, Joe was back at his desk at work, as if the meeting with The Escapist had never happened. He didn't know what to expect. Would The Escapist go through with the plan? or had the Nazi force been too much for him? Joe couldn't concentrate. He could only sit at his desk and wait like he had before he found the golden key in the first place. He couldn't go back to that. Just then he heard people running behind him. He turned around just in time to see Rosa and Sammy, with a newspaper in their hands.
"Joe it's over! It's over! The Escapist has done it!" exclaimed Rosa.
"What?" Joe took the newspaper in his hands and read the headline.

World War with Germany Ends

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

I Did It Myself

Even with his new found sense of courage and life with no lies, Sammy could feel himself reeling from shock at this revelation. The Escapist, the hero he had helped create, was here in existence, how was this possible?

The Escapist seemed to read Sammy's facial readings and said, "Sammy, how I am exisiting is not important right now, but what is important is how this journey to see me has helped you and your struggles." "Even with this small trip, you were able to find the courage to be yourself and stand up and fight for what you believe in." Sammy pondered this logic and realized that the Escapist had vaguely been a role in his transformation. "I was gay before I went on this adventure, and i would have never risked outing myself before this." Sammy then realized that this trip, and his encounter with the hateful Ebling had given him the final drive to stand up and fight. Sammy realized this trip and the Escapist had given him his own golden key, which he used to unlock the chains around his true identity.

The Escapist!?

The Escapist!? That's The Escapist!? I thought he was just a character Joe and Sammy had created. He's real?! Well I'll be damned...

We all just starred at this rather tall Superhero- looking man. He looked just like the comics Joe had showed me on the train. It was as if this was all a dream. I sure hope it isn't though. I finally found what I was looking for all this time and I didn't need the help of the Escapist either! I found my heart all on my own, and it wasn't for art like I imagined it was. My heart was found because of Joe. I'm in love with Joe and that is all I need to make me whole again. Maybe now I'll have some inspiration.. Maybe this journey with Joe and Sammy IS my inspiration.. I've got it! My heart for art is back!
It felt like the moment Ebling left my building, Joe, Sammy, and Rosa arrived. I am so glad that I realized Ebling's evil scheme and now he will be ultimately destroyed as of midnight tonight.  I hear knocking at my door and  jolt of energy traveled through my veins as I walked through my apartment to let them in.  As I opened my door, three anxious and unsure faces looked me over. They all had a different look on their face. Joe looked at me anxiously, almost as if he was about to spit out his wish right that second. Rosa stood beside Joe, holding his hand and looked content with that alone. It is obvious that she realizes that she has already found a new heart.  Sammy had his chin held high and was obviously extremely confident, almost like a business man.  What a change from the man he used to be!  I wonder what they think of me what to think of me, this strange man who mysteriously led them to his apartment with the bribe of a wish... 

"Hello sir! My name is Joseph Kavalier and these are my friends Sammy and Rosa!", boasted Joe. He has obviously been waiting a long time for this moment, long before he found the key that I planted. I told them I knew who they were and that I have been watching over them on their journey. I then walked over to the mirror and explained the mechanism to them. "Uh, hang on.  I'm not quite sure I understand", said Sammy, "So you've been watching us this whole time and you can watch the whole city whenever you want? Who are you, God or something? What's your name?".  I laughed to myself quietly and tried to figure out how to put what I would say next into the right words. "No, Sammy. You see, I'm not like that. I'm a hidden hero, of sorts. I go behind the scenes to help people out. I typically do not reveal my face or motives. My name...well...I'm...The Escapist."

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Fools Gold

The train came to a haulting stop, as it practically threw Rosa, Sam, and Rosa into the next train car. "Last stop to Empire City," the conductor announced. The trio exited the train to be left in awe of this lush, gold land. Everything around them was gold, including the trees,water, animals, and buildings. Each step that they took turned to a golden footprint to mark the path that they have traveled to come to this haven. Rosa, Sam, and Joe noticed a small set of footprints leading to Empire City's main building. This building was a beautiful cathedral style building made of all gold blocks. "It's absolutly beautiful. It's so incredibly peaceful here. It's like you can forget about your problems for five minutes and just take in the scenery," sighed Rosa. "Yes, it is quite relaxing. But Rosa, we are on a mission! Let's not get sidetracked. C'mon, let's go," Joe firmly said. The group moved forward as they were secretly being watched by the Escapist through his crystal ball. "Great! They are just on time," smiled the Escapist.

*Five minutes later

"So, Joe, you have one wish and I shall grant it. Consider me your genie and whatever you ask for I must grant. What will it be?," asked the Escapist. "Well, now that I know you must do ANYTHING I ask for, I am going to go to the extreme. You now work for me, so my wish is that Hitler will not be stopped. I want him to conquer more terriotory and get rid of all the Jewish people starting in Germany, and then move to the rest of the world. He has the right idea in purifying this world, it's just he needs my help. And with this wish, I shall grant him the help he needs," replied Ebling. "But Joe, isn't that a bit extreme? So many people will be harmed," replied the Escapist. Ebling shot back, "Maybe you didn't hear me must grant me that wish. So make it happen now." The Escapist cunningly replied, "Yes sir. Take this golden coin and stick it under your pillow tonight. When you wake up, it will be gone and your wish will be granted. Now be on your way." Ebling left the building as the Escapist laughed to himself.